Deepen Your Healing Path 

Next Cohort: Sep. 2025 - Jun. 2026

2025/2026 VT COHORT


Do you feel called to deepen your healing path? Are you are seeking to go deeper into a unique program? Seeking to be part of a community? This time together as a cohort is offering a path forwards towards profound inner and outer healing. Throughout the months we will excavate the depths of your conditioning, giving voice to long-buried emotions. This is an alchemical journey of shedding outworn aspects of self while consciously inviting new growth and expansion.  











If you've done inner work before but feel drawn to explore higher realms of integration and awakening, this group container will provide fertile soil for your next evolution. As it takes 40 weeks to gestate a new born child into life, in this 40 week cohort together we can rebirth ourselves. 


You will be guided by Maryn Azoff, Vocal Transformation Coach and founder of this work. Collectively we will transmute and transcend lead to gold by digging deep and unearthing whatever is holding you back to break free and live a life embodied and heart centered. This program is grounded in ancient chanting and vocal practices, you'll be expertly guided to access, release, and re-code the very essence of who you are

Emotional Support

Group settings provide a safe and supportive environment where individuals can share their stories, emotions, and struggles without fear of judgment. This emotional support from peers can be incredibly healing and therapeutic.

Diverse Perspectives

Each individual brings their own unique perspective and experiences to the group. This diversity can offer new insights, coping strategies, and ways of looking at challenges that individuals may not have considered before.

Normalization Of Experiences

Hearing others share similar experiences can help normalize feelings and situations that individuals may have perceived as abnormal or isolating.


Hear From A Past Cohort Student



Each session

combines illuminating teachings from your guide and mentor Maryn Azoff starting off our sessions with teachings for an hour, followed by two full hours devoted to an intimate sanctuary for your questions, shares, and process work

All calls are recorded

allowing you to revisit teachings or re-experience supportive energies. However, there is unparalleled potency in joining live as together we catalyze exponential awakening as each person's process mirrors and accelerates our collective rebirth.

Join us in fearlessly

giving voice to your most authentic expression. Harmonize with a circle of souls united in defying the boundaries of what's possible in healing. This is your invitation to be profoundly seen, held, and remade anew.

By partaking in this journey

you will become part of a collective made up of passionate individuals, collective authentic voices convening to delve into the frontiers of healing; a convergence of fellow journeyers on the path of wholeness

"Since I started this course my self awareness has unfolded and I am not the same person who started on day one. There is a self love that has developed and a realization that I am important. I am forever changed and forever blessed for it. I recommend this class for anyone going through a difficult time, anyone who wishes to change the interactions in their lives or anyone who just wants to walk through life feeling good and feeling blessed to be alive."

Student 2023/2024

"I mean, there's no words actually that I could say to recommend this experience. It was life changing. It was months of chanting, chakra work, deep healing, deep returning to myself, a deep returning to my sense of being in alignment, all using sound to really heal my body and heal my spirit."

Student 2023/2024


I help people awaken to the power of their own voice through my unique program and healing modality I call “The Vocal Transformation Method”.  I am on a mission of connecting people from all over the world to realize the potential of their voice.

I am a student of mixed lineages, ancient wisdom, and practices worldwide — my approach to the voice is a merging of many paths and vocal techniques that have been used since the beginning of existence by many cultures. These techniques, which involve accessing the authentic voice through the embodiment of your true vibrational frequency will result in healing, connection, and wellness for the planet and its people. 

Join me on a journey to reawaken the innate intelligence of your body-mind-spirit connection through the faculty of the human voice.

"I feel the impact of my daily practice of chanting for over a year, and I can say that it has transformed my relationship with my family, my friends, my husband, my two young toddlers. For anybody who's on the fence about thinking, will it be worth it.  It will be worth every single penny that you put in, every single session that you put in, will accumulate to a magical blessing that I never imagined could come from just that commitment and truly tapping into the vibrational power of chanting and having the support makes all the difference so thank you so much Maryn. "

Student 2023/2024

"Holaaa companeras of this beautiful transforming cohort. I want to give thanks to everyone in this comunity for their support and for all the video meetings we had, for all the processes we had, for the opportunity to share, for all the love, for every step we have made until today. For the connection, the strength, and the power we are all finding walking this life/path of our soul together. I'm so grateful that I started this journey with Vocal Trasformation . I can see changes keep happening in my life. I can feel clarity and my purpose, and chanting is the daily tool that it helping me to manifest it. Thank you Maryn for your inspiring, expanding heart. Thanks for share your experience and supporting us in all this time with so much love. Thank you for all the Vocal Transformation team that are working for us and for many people around the world. "

Student 2023/2024




Hear From A Past Cohort Student



SEP. 28TH, 2024 - JUN 21ST, 2025

Are you ready to join? This is a ceremonial rite of passage, a soul-centered initiation into your most luminous self. In joining this intentional community of spiritual creatives and multi-dimensional explorers, you'll catalyze an alchemical rebirth beyond your imagination.

Whether you've crossed paths with Maryn before or this is your first encounter, you're warmly welcomed into this potent, eye-opening, heart-& soul-awakening experience.

This program is grounded in ancient chanting and vocal practices, you'll be expertly guided to access, release, and re-code the very essence of who you are. Over the 9-months you will be guided by Maryn Azoff, Vocal Transformation Coach and founder of this work.

Click Here To Download The Syllabus


Please contact Suzie at [email protected]  if you have more questions or need further assistance.

Not Ready Today To Join The Cohort? 

Please stay connected, we are very grateful you are here in this ever growing global community.